Smart/Safe City

  • PROTEI portfolio for smart cities includes a range of field-proven products covering requirements of all safe city stakeholders
  • Great experience in developing, deployment and maintenance of Safe City platforms

Integrated Safety and Security Solutions

The safe city concept has been developed precisely to help government stakeholders, city mayors, and police departments mitigate these challenges. Leveraging the internet of things (IoT) and the connectivity now found in core security and safety technologies, safe city solutions are providing a range of systems including predictive analytics and big data, real-time response procedures and emergency response systems. These solutions are enabling governments and police departments to better protect their citizens from everything from terrorist attacks to natural disasters. They are also supporting wider city organizations, such as public health, fire and rescue, border control and social services to better serve their citizens.

PROTEI portfolio for safe cities includes:

  • "911/112" – Emergency Services Response System;
  • "Safe city’’ integrated information system and information exchange bus for emergency response unit;
  • Solutions for public warning alerts supporting Cell Broadcast, and other alert technologies.

Being a player on the market during 10 years, PROTEI has earned a rich experience in developing, deployment and maintenance of Safe City platforms in more than 40 cities/provinces in a few countries.